How fast the time has passed...since i've been here to plunk at a few letters on the keyboard... Guess it just means my life has been so full that my time has been usurped by other things. PINTEREST, name a few...
So many things going on right now....PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO PRAY FOR A COUPLE OF PEOPLE I KNOW...
Baby Jacob, Vivian's sweet new grandbaby, is really needing prayers right now...
And my youngest daughter's, other mommy, damien's mom...has just begun treatment for lymphoma. On Sunday, Kaleigh went over to shave her was jumping ship too fast...she just wanted it over...with..and at the same time...Damien, his brother and Xander also got their heads support. I've NEVER EVER seen damien without his long ponytail...
I did get a couple of things done...
put together this outfit...
for this little annie...
My postage stamp of a garden is coming along nicely...
lavender is blooming this year!!
found some old colanders and planted lettuce...up and away from the bunnies..on the back porch...
The rummage season has been plentiful...and jaw deals!
Maddy's new room is almost done...
dresser we picked up for 15.00...
desk next project... 3.00
this is the before..staytuned for the
we are going to cover it with newspaper, maps etc....
also found this sweet chair for her desk for 5.00 going to recover it as well.
Both Maddy and Maxx had milestone graduations this year...Maddy getting ready to jump to middle school...and Maxx to regular kindergarten! Just look at the time photo elapsed changes in just what a year can make...
Maddy's graduation was given an element of SURPRIZE...when her uncle ramon arrived for the ceremony JUST AS SHE WAS GOING TO RECEIVE HER CERTIFICATE!!! He is currently stationed in Germany (got wounded in Afganistan and was transfered there) She was sooo excited!!!
put on a happy face and have a wonderful...til i blog again kind of days!!!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
oh can't say...
Posted by
8:06 AM
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
signed up for this course
I've been looking and searching for that new door to open....over three years of no job in sight...the doors have been slammed...well heck..i'm crawling thru the window!
Can't wait to move on!!!
HUGZ til next time!
Posted by
11:18 AM
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Seems like only last leap year...
and now it's almost....MARCH...
I have discovered that my blogging abilities are sorely lacking... oh where did the days go that i could blog every day? Of late..the hours have been locked into the creation of Maddysen's 5th grade yearbook.... Her class voted on having a MILITARY theme...for the overall feel...
wait........M-I-L-I-T-A-R-Y???!!! (cover design was voted on by the 5th grade classes)I do pink...i do glittery...i do...lots of even BOY pages...but Military? I may be redesigning camoflague by the time this project is
We don't actually have a military base, post in wisconsin... Kevin did serve in Iraq....but other than National guard..little recruiting offices...NADA...
We got to thinking how this was going to pan out...then Shannon brought up that this fifth grade class...are actually 911 babies....Maddysen was just over 3 weeks old when it happened...and oh how it changed the world...
It's taken quite a bit of thinking..but I think I have come up with designs...where each child will have a unique page...
I will rearrange each page...using military elements. I have asked the principal to write a "letter to the troops" with good wishes... We have asked each parent to submit photos to showcase the kids elementary school 'career'. Hmmm...been getting somewhat of a response...but if they don't send the after three reminders...the child will get a bigger 5th grade photo on their page. Now just how to fit 10,000 photos of Maddysen on HER page...lolol...
Maxx and I came home from shopping and I was carrying in the groceries and he perched himself on the toybox in the backyard. I asked him if he was tired or his leg was hurting..and he replied, "no, nonnie, i'm waiting for you to take my PICTURE!!"
NOW HOW COULD I REFUSE!! afterall...the boy has his OWN MONEY AND ALL...
Maxx had his muscle biopsy this month...and we are waiting on the results...won't hear anything until March 24th...... but since we have been waiting for over a year and a half now...a couple more weeks...(while we are anxious) will be tolerable..
Xander came over the other nite...and I got to take a new photo of him with Maddy..
We also paid a visit to the Milwaukee County Domes on Monday.
We took some new pictures of Logan and Lavender...
logan is a bundle of energy...well, heck...he's almost 3! And Lavender is a cutee patootee...and rocks those
Speaking of outfits...I did get some sewing time in...and finished up this sweet
'bapron' (it's a bib apron combo!) And it's a FREE TUTORIAL HERE..
And I also did a pattern test for Brynnberlee Designs.
I used a vintage button for the center of the snap off flower.
and a little outfit for a sweet new baby...
The weather has been so strange this winter...we did manage to get 4" of snow last week..but out totals are way way way...(did i say way?) below average. Today it is forcasted to be in the UPPER 40'S LOW 50'S! oh goodness....break out the bikini's...
Gotta go play have it planned out to create a new page a day...although perhaps I will do the side by sides in a day..that way i know they will coordinate...
Blog soon...(sure...yeah RIGHT...LOLOLOL)
HUGZ til later!
Posted by
7:33 AM
Monday, January 30, 2012
happy monday evening!!!
First and formost....
Check out the sweet vintage jewelry on ebay right now that my Brother in law has listed!! Auctions close hurry and scoop up some lovelies!!!
How has my blog world been doing? Me? busy busy busy....between the kids schedules...and sewing...and that PINTEREST thing....doesn't seem to leave many blogging hours....
Just checking in to make sure everyone is doing well....
hugz til next time!!!
Posted by
6:59 PM
Thursday, January 19, 2012
where has the time gone?
I can TELL YOU.....
PINTEREST! The ideas, the inspiration...the OH EM GEE...if i spent the amount of time that I spend on PINTEREST....on creating...I'D GET A TON MORE of these things done!!!!
How many of you...go onto pinterest and find that the clock has swung around the dial...way to many times...? How many of you actually MAKE the stuff you find? I have made some things...but tend to find myself...sitting by the computer...drooling...over all the glorious art...and ideas that HAVE BEEN OUT THERE....but just not known!
...and that's all I have to say about THAT! (well except...anyone need an invite? i mean...WHY should i go it alone? see you all on the boards! good thing those pins don't stick!!)
Posted by
12:10 PM
one of my sweet valentines
shoop shoop
the grandbabies
garden fairy purse


white bracelet

mary bracelet

turquoise bracelet

glass knobs

have a seat....