Friday, August 31, 2007


SHE'S MY FIRST ZETTI ...and she was a challenge for me...This is one thing that i love about sharing art-getting a direction/theme from little assignments...stepping outside my normal box...(heck as i told kelly i had to add a whole new wing to my box)...i worked on her and reworked her then after starting for the fourth time i just LET HER HAPPEN...and i was happy with her! I finished all forty-eight itty bittys...for all four swaps...for some i think it would have been easier to do a larger piece of art!

I took a road trip yesterday to Ben Franklin's and found some wonderful supplies for all the halloween swaps i'm in! the ideas just flooded my mind! i got out to the car and just sat there for a moment...then pulled out my journal and jotted and sketched my new ideas that i came up with (gotta write EVERYTHING down these days!!! )


1 comment:

a Bohemian Market said...

Hi Barb:
What is a Zetti? I am so lame when it comes to so much stuff; but I am learning : ) Wonderful people like you help me.
Thank you

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