Monday, January 31, 2011

Good morning world!

Happy Monday!

Doctor visit over...for Maxx..for now...just waiting to hear from the Neurologists office for his next appointment... This new doctor SEES what we are seeing...his struggles..etc...Only took 5 months...

love you little guy!!! SMOOOCH!

Had a bit of time to create this little sweetie...

She has a heart of chic and shabby!

Lots of the white fluffy, blowing and drifting coming our way with what if forcasted to be 5-10 foot drifts...going to put the shovels INSIDE just in case we have to shovel out of the perhaps we could snowboard off the back upper porch?? lol...

Have a wonderful day! Thanks for stopping by!

Hugz til next time!

1 comment:

peggy gatto said...

What a doll!!!!
Maxx too)!!!

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